Tel: (972) 241-4684
Non-Surgical Laser Assisted Gum Treatment
Periodontal disease is a disease of the gums that can also affect the bone. Periodontal disease has been called the silent killer for many years in dentistry, and because it can be painless and asymptomatic, patients sometimes don’t even realize they have it. Some of the signs and symptoms of periodontal disease are swollen, red, bleeding, receding, or tender gums. Bad breath can also come from the gums. We believe in early diagnosis and treatment of the problem because, once bone loss has occurred, we can’t get it back, and very often teeth are compromised or even lost. If there are areas of concern, we offer you the latest in periodontal therapy techniques.
Our in-house dental hygiene services include: regular professional cleanings, deep cleanings, patient education, including oral hygiene instructions Periodontal charting, ultrasonic stain and calculus removal, breath products, hygiene tools, and referral to a periodontist if necessary. If you are concerned about the condition of your gums or have questions about our hygiene or periodontal services, please contact Valley View Dental.
Dr. Irina has performed Laser Assisted Gum Therapy since 2012, and utilizes laser-assisted techniques for periodontal cleaning, laser bacterial reduction (LBR), and disinfection, effectively combating gum infections. That ensures thorough decontamination enhancing treatment outcomes. Offering a non-invasive, non-toxic alternative to traditional pharmaceutical methods, laser therapy effectively mitigates inflammation, eases pain, curtails harmful bacteria, and promotes wound healing, all while preserving healthy tissue.
Valley View Dental
Dr. Irina Hayrapetyan DDS FAGD & her staff are eager to welcome you to their friendly dental practice!